Acted as Project Lead to coordinate a group of volunteers with the UMSI student group Community Information Corps (CIC) to provide support to the Center in advance of a planned re-branding and website redesign. Activities include UX research (personas, heuristic evaluations, usability testing, etc.), an evaluation of the Center's communication flows with the public via listervs and social media, and and producing a report containing recommendations for the Center's upcoming website redesign that will integrate their new goals and scope seamlessly with their current core programs and services.
Worked with a small team as part of the class Database Application Design to assess the needs of the HRWC for a database with a simple end-user interface to enter data taken during field sampling and query the database to generate reports regarding the health of and wildlife present in the Huron River Watershed area. The relational database was built using MySQL. Wireframes for the UI were constructed using HotGloo, and the final UI was built using HTML, CSS and PHP to add, access and retrieve data from the MySQL database.
Conducted analyses of HathiTrust’s mobile site as part of the class Evaluation of Systems and Services. Analyses included user interviews, personas & scenarios, comparative analysis, heuristic analysis, user surveys and usability testing, all with the goal in mind of evaluating how well the site meets its goals for users.
Conducted contextual inquiry into interaction design group at GM as part of class Contextual Inquiry and Project Management. Served as Project Manager in group seeking to examine and make improvements upon the process by which new ideas for future model years are generated and captured.
Kyle Donnellon | | (513)460-6188